I see you've stumbled upon my page. Wherever you came from, may it be Instagram or you heard of it from a friend or maybe I even told you to come here personally, welcome to my blog! To be honest, I don't have much experience with web design or managing a website or anything like this. I write for fun for myself sometimes, and one day thought, "what if I just put it out there because there is no possible way I am the only one thinking this". As time went on, it became "Am I the only one feeling this way?" and "Someone else has to be stressing about this". Lucky to have very insightful friends, my restless thoughts are often tamed: advice, whether it's what I want to hear or not, has provided me salvation.
Anyways so now that you know how I got here, a little bit about me:
I am your average 17 year old from CT. I'm a first gen, meaning me and my parents are navigating this strange world together. In a lot of situations, I can give you somewhat of a "been there, done that": the stresses of high school, judgement of social media, pressure of society, and the trials and tribulations of being the older sister to twins are just some of what I have experienced and am ready to share my two cents on.