Alright, straight into the deep end we go.
Welcome everyone! Yes, I know this is really cheesy but welcome to the first ever post on my blog! Whether or not this takes off or absolutely flops, I'm thrilled you decided to devote at least a solid 30 seconds of your time to snoop around here. And, I promise, the site will not always look this mopey, sad, and empty. As time goes on it will look much better, although with the theme and web design I've already done I have to say, not toooo shabby.
ANYWAYS: enough of the boring stuff, let's dive into today's topic: concerts. Love 'em and confused by 'em is how I feel at the moment.
Concert and music festival culture is really interesting to me. I absolutely love to see my favorite artist up on stage, but afterwards often left curious about the behaviors I exhibit and see. People tend to let loose and just enjoy the moment, feeling temporarily freed from the constraints of society for the 3 or more hours. For example, last October I walked out of a concert and saw a group of mothers parading around in fruit costumes. In February, I went to a Journey concert and saw full grown adults (most of the on the older side I'd say...) drunk out of their minds and moshing? It was a sight to see. Now I promise I'm not a gerontophobe, these were just the cases that caught my eye. And think about this too- at a concert, you basically sing and scream as loud as you can, often times waking up with a sore throat the next morning, right? Now think about this: what would happen if someone asked you to sing for them? 90% of the time, if you're not a practicing musician or the next Beyonce, you're going to say no. Try to deny it, most of you will. I mean, I would, and I do. But how is that different from a concert? You're "singing" louder than ever and yes, the music itself can be quite deafening at times, but there are people all around you. The concept of personal space? Gone, because half a foot to the right is that family taking their daughter to her first Coldplay concert and one to the left is an old couple just trying to enjoy their evening, and you're screaming your head off. I mean, I've never really thought about it this way, and this in depth. If I were to try and explain why, I'd say it's the anonymity. We as humans tend to constantly have this straight jacket of judgement, both from ourselves and others, trapping our creative freedom. When we see someone we used to go to elementary school with, our posture straightens and our mind and heart start racing, because (at least for me) there is this subconscious need for positive recognition.
Ok, now going back to concerts again, they sort of remind me of a zoo. Think about it, you pay a certain amount of money to go and be entertained. Zoo = concert. And to be honest, a lot of times they're also so chaotic, with the light shows, boosted bass, and (sometimes) fireworks that engulf the arena. It seems a little funky to me and makes me wonder, although I'm not really sure about what?
Well, there you have it that was my first attempt at a blog post. It'll get better as time goes on but we have to start somewhere. I'm also not really sure how to end these is it a "signing off" type of thing? Maybe I'll have a Pretty Little Liars moment on my way out?
Hope you end up here again :)