Ok first off massive apology for my seven month hiatus- college apps have been a horrendous experience and took every second of my free time away but I'M. BACK. and I have tons of ideas for new posts so don't worry, I will make up for the lost time. So without further ado, today's topic: Pinterest boards.
I am a strong believer that one's Pinterest profile is the largest window into their life you will ever receive. In the covid/halfway-normal/somewhat virtual haze that was last winter, a friend of mine opened up to me about her excessive use of the app Pinterest. I was fairly familiar with it, as anyone in our generation tends to be, but only to the extent of "Oh, my mom uses that to find ideas for our laundry room renovations!" or "Yeah that's where my sister finds copious Harry Potter memes to send to the family". However what she showed me was completely different.
When I opened the link she had texted me to her profile, I saw an assortment of inspiration boards, ideas in the rough, future dreams, Christmas gift lists, school life hacks, and so much more. As it turns out, Pinterest was her way of keeping her thoughts organized throughout the years. Some of the specific boards she had made were for future hair styles, friendship bracelet patterns she wanted to try, a summer bucket list, bullet journal examples, and different foods she wanted to make (I'm looking back at her boards while writing this and have decided I'm going to be making chia pudding).

Thus, my own Pinterest obsession began. It started small, a board with a bunch of pictures that reminded me of winter and ski season (I love both with all my heart) and one with the aesthetic I wished for when I would attend college in Europe (pipe dream). Zoom school helped, meaning I would log onto my Precalculus class, turn off my video, and just make massive boards for no reason at all. I vividly remember one day where I made a board solely for rings. At the time, I did not own a single ring. The board has 61 pins.

I also have a board with 27 tattoo ideas. Do I even want a tattoo? NO IDEA. But, if I ever decide to get one, I'll be prepared.
There's also one strictly dedicated to pictures of Minecraft Youtubers. Let me preface by saying it was an incredibly weird four month phase. Anyways the board is 110 pins big and has pictures of all my (past) favorite streamers and gamers, strategically ordered by person. Was there a point to making this? No. Will I ever know why I made it? Also no. It just goes to show how Pinterest crazed freshly 16 year old me was: making a board for anything and everything.
That being said, it's been one of the best organizational tools I have ever found.
A few of my favorite ones are for general outfit inspiration, room decoration ideas, and embroidery ideas. I used to have absolutely horrendous style but finding outfits on Pinterest to copy or at least try to copy helped immensely. Yes, that does make me "unoriginal" but oh well I'd rather that then show up looking like I picked my clothes out in the dark.
My room is also my pride and joy. This board has ideas spanning from candles I want to get to pillow covers that suit the vibe to plant and vine combinations to fill the space. When I'm home, I spend the majority of my time there, so I want to make it a space I enjoy being in and, well, one that looks good (when it's not cluttered with dirty clothes and dishes- sorry parents).

And finally: embroidery. You may have seen the board in a previous picture so let me explain- I don't really know how to embroider. I was bored one day so picked up a piece of fabric, found one of those wooden ring things (I looked it up and it literally does not have a name other than "wooden hoop/ring"), and decided to give it a shot. Fun fact about me, I have a suture kit from when I was a freshman. In the middle of my Grey's Anatomy phase where I decided there is no other suitable career for me than a general or pediatric surgeon, I made the purchase on Amazon. My family was weirded out but I thought it was a worthy investment, as that is now I learned to stitch and sew. So, as unconventional as it was to have a piece of rubber skin and set of clamps and suture strings at 14 years old, it trained me for one of the new hobbies. Tangent stopping now. Not knowing much about embroidery, my board gave me a plethora of ideas: simple patterns, flowers, and dinosaurs gave me faith that I could figure it out.
Downloading Pinterest might've been one of the best decisions I've made when it comes to social media. A) It's not really social media you just make your boards and can see other people's IF you decide to follow them (It was actually pretty cool to see some of my friends' profiles the deeper and deeper I dove into the website) B) INSPO BOARDS. That's literally all it is. Vision boards, organization boards, inspiration.
So that was my pitch- start using Pinterest and your life will be infinitely better.
This was a bit of a shorter post but there's more to come, so get hyped.
Thanks for tuning in and see you in a bit!